A Lightweight PDF Viewer Android library which only occupies around 80kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies up to 16MB space.
A Simple PDF Viewer library which only occupies around 80kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies upto 16MB space.
Hello Developers! We’re thrilled to share some significant enhancements we’ve made to our PDF viewer library. We’ve fine-tuned several aspects to enhance your experience and ensure top-notch performance and security. Here’s what’s new:
Step into the future with Jetpack Compose compatibility. Integrating our PDF viewer in Compose projects is now effortless, thanks to the PdfRendererViewCompose composable function.
We’ve optimized performance to handle PDFs more efficiently, ensuring swift and smooth operations, even with large documents.
We have made it better and smooth with how local files are handled now, with latest permission policies.
Our library now smartly preserves your page position during orientation changes, ensuring uninterrupted reading sessions.
Security just got stronger. We’ve revamped our file path handling to provide robust protection against directory traversal attacks, keeping your data safer than ever.
Experience efficiency at its best! Our refined caching strategy smartly manages storage, retaining only the most recent PDF file to optimize performance and space usage.
Privacy matters. Our new screenshot-blocking feature enhances data confidentiality in your app, keeping sensitive information secure from prying eyes.
Your design, your rules. Enjoy complete freedom in customizing the PDF viewer’s interface, ensuring a perfect match with your app’s style and theme. Render the view directly in your screen now.
Seamless aesthetics, no matter the theme. Our library now gracefully integrates with ‘NoActionBar’ themes, ensuring a cohesive and appealing user interface.
Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and improve. Happy coding, and let’s keep creating amazing experiences together!
We have migrated our library to Maven Central for easier integration and better reliability. To use the Pdf Viewer library in your project, add the following dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
// Replace 'latest-version' with the actual latest version number
implementation 'io.github.afreakyelf:Pdf-Viewer:latest-version'
dependencies {
// Replace 'latest-version' with the actual latest version number
Now you have integrated the library in your project but how do you use it? Well it’s really easy. Just launch the intent with in following way: (Refer to MainActivity.kt for more details.)
Ensure the library is included in your project’s dependencies.
To display a PDF from a URL, use the following code:
/* Parameters:
- context: The context of your activity.
- pdfUrl: URL of the PDF to be displayed.
- pdfTitle: Title of the PDF document.
- saveTo: Determines how to handle saving the PDF (e.g., ASK_EVERYTIME prompts the user each time).
- enableDownload: Enables downloading of the PDF. */
context = this,
pdfUrl = "your_pdf_url_here",
pdfTitle = "PDF Title",
saveTo = saveTo.ASK_EVERYTIME,
enableDownload = true
To open a PDF stored in local storage:
/* Parameters:
- path: File path or URI of the local PDF.
- fromAssets: Set to false when loading from local storage. // FALSE by default
context = this,
path = "your_file_path_or_uri_here",
pdfTitle = "Title",
saveTo = saveTo.ASK_EVERYTIME,
fromAssets = false
To open a PDF from the app’s assets folder:
/* Parameters:
- path: File path or URI of the local PDF.
- fromAssets: Set to true when loading from assets.
context = this,
path = "file_name_in_assets",
pdfTitle = "Title",
saveTo = saveTo.ASK_EVERYTIME,
fromAssets = true
Load a PDF directly into a view:
Add PDF render view in your layout file
app:pdfView_showDivider="false" />
and in your kotlin file
url = "your_pdf_url_here",
lifecycleCoroutineScope = lifecycleScope,
lifecycle = lifecycle
For Jetpack Compose, utilize PdfRendererViewCompose
to render PDF files.
To render a PDF from a URL:
url = "your_pdf_url_here",
To render a PDF from a local file:
file = yourFile,
To render a PDF from a URI:
uri = yourUri,
You can also provide arguments for additional parameters such as modifier
, headers
, lifecycleOwner
, and statusCallBack
url = "your_pdf_url_here",
modifier = Modifier,
headers = HeaderData(mapOf("Authorization" to "123456789")),
lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current,
statusCallBack = object : PdfRendererView.StatusCallBack {
// Override functions here
That’s all you need to integrate PDF rendering in your Compose application.
You need to add the custom theme to styles.xml/themes.xml file and override the required attribute values. Parent theme can be either Theme.PdfView.Light or Theme.PdfView.Dark or the one with no actionbar from the application. Note: If parent is not one of the themes from this library, all of the pdfView attributes should be added to that theme.
<style name="Theme.PdfView.SelectedTheme" parent="@style/Theme.PdfView.Light">
<item name="pdfView_backIcon">@drawable/ic_arrow_back</item>
<item name="pdfView_showToolbar">true</item>
<item name="pdfView_disableScreenshots">true</item>
You need to add the custom layout to pdf_view_page_no.xml file and override the required attribute values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:visibility="gone" />
You need to add the custom string to strings.xml file and override the required strings.xml values.
<string name="pdfView_page_no">%1$s of %2$s</string>
<string name="pdfView_page_no" >%1$s / %2$s</string>
Attribute Name | Type | Expected changes |
pdfView_backIcon | drawable | Navigation icon |
pdfView_downloadIcon | drawable | Download icon |
pdfView_downloadIconTint | color | Download icon tint |
pdfView_toolbarColor | color | Actionbar background color |
pdfView_titleTextStyle | style | Actionbar title text appearance |
pdfView_progressBar | style | Progress bar style |
👉 Check out who’s using Pdf-Viewer
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
git checkout -b feature/NewFeature
)git commit -m 'Add some NewFeature'
)git push origin feature/NewFeature
)If this library helps you save time during development, you can buy me a cup of coffee :)
Maintained by Rajat Mittal